Music Singles

Get To Know Maryland Artist Swishcantmiss + Listen To His New EP ‘Quarantine’

  • PublishedMay 21, 2020
Swish, the 27 year old artist from PG County Maryland but currently resides in New York City, brings a passion for lyrics with substance while also creating an ear pleasing atmosphere for the lister with the use of melodies and catchy hooks. Being so well traveled, Swish is able to talk about his many life experiences in many different areas throughout his music catalog. Whether it be reminiscing on trips with friends or remembering the hard times he’s had to overcome, Swish puts his heart into the music. He also possesses a Bachelors in business and a Masters in Cybersecurity, so it is safe to say Swish is motivated in all aspects of his life.   He has been pursuing a music career since 2018 and is hoping to make an impact in the industry. Listen to #QuarantineEP here:

We caught up Swish and got to ask him a few questions. You can read his answers below:
Tell us about your single.

“Triller” was inspired by the mood the Coronavirus has caused during the pandemic.  Being forced to stay inside has allowed a lot of time for self reflection. It’s a song about reflection and coming to the realization that all the losses taken in life were tests I were able to pass. The message is portrayed within a very catchy hook and with the use of melodies to keep the listener engaged.  

Who inspired you to make music?

I have always loved music and draw inspiration from literally everything.  Of course I enjoy listening to various artists specifically. But I try to use everything that I experience in life — good or bad — as a source of inspiration for my songs. 

How would you describe the music that you typically create?

I would describe my music as content with substance. I believe I am able to deliver heavy bars and complicated metaphors while also staying current with the kind of sound people enjoy listening to. It gives you the “trap” sound without the excessive violence and drug talk in most rap lyrics today. 

What is your creative process like?

My creative process is random. I like to think that any moment can provide the opportunity to make good music and it doesn’t have to be structured.  However, I do my best writing when I can be alone in my room with dim lighting. I like to listen to a variety of beats first and see which one catches my attention and highlights my current mood. Then I just allow my thoughts to flow unapologetically until I come up with a pattern that sounds good. 

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

If I ever got the chance to make it to that platform I would love to collaborate with Drake. He’s the best in the game right now and I want to learn from the best. 

If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?

I would like to open up a show for Travis Scott. His crowds and fan base are unmatched and the shows are always high energy. 

What is one message you would give to your fans?

I want to tell my fans to keep supporting and always be honest. If you need more from me tell me. If my songs lack substance, let me know. I only am as good as what the fans think. 

What is the most useless talent you have?

If it wasn’t for music I’d be looking to go into real estate and create another stream of income most likely. That plan may still happen, but I want to put all my energy into the music before looking elsewhere. 

What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?

The internet has watered down the music industry in a sense because streams have taken over what’s determined as good music and “hits”. Streaming numbers can be inflated and dishonest but can give an artist that notoriety needed. The internet has taken away the craftsmanship needed for a good quality song. 

Where have you performed?

I was arrested for felony shoplifting back when I was in college. First time I’d ever been to jail. It wasn’t a good experience. Time moves so slow on the inside. 

How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?

The best advice I’ve ever been given is too “Never get too high and never get too low”, which basically means take the good things in life the same way you do the bad things and you’ll always be able to remain solid And composed no matter What life throws at you. 

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

If I could change anything about the industry it would be to give more opportunities to underground artists and make it less of a “who you know” type of playing field. 

What’s next for you?

I have a few more projects that i am working on and hoping to drop soon. Regardless of what happens I will always make music because it’s my passion. Hopefully though, someone will hear my sound and think it’s worthy of me going to the next step and hitting the charts 

Any Shoutouts?

I’d just like to shout out my engineers that helped create good quality sounds and also my manager for always grinding on my behalf. Want to thank my PR rep as well. 

Written By
The DMV Daily Staff

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