Beauty of the Week: Kennedy Gee
Kennedy is from Northern VA. She is 23 years old. She has a Masters in Sports Administration. Aside from her job as a Marketing Manager Kennedy is also a model.

What’s something people should know about you?
What’s your favorite food(s)?
Random: Beyonce or Rihanna?
What’s your favorite color(s)?
If you had to choose a superpower, what superpower would you choose?
Which beauty product is a must-have before you leave the house?
Who is your favorite person on social media?
East Coast or West Coast?
If you can meet any music artist of all time, who would it be?
Propose a question to next week’s BOTW.
What is your favorite clothing brand?
How do you like to spend your free time?
What does a typical day in your week look like?
I wake up at 5 am going to the gym.
Then I come home to take a nap.
Get up around 8 am and arrive to work at around 9.
After work, I usually come home around 5 and watch Netflix and chill.
If your personality was a flavor, what flavor would it be?
Avacado, Idk if that’s a flavor but something you either love or hate.
Any Shoutouts?
Shout out to my Sister and Friends.