The DMV Daily Interviews: Tamika Harden, fitness trainer and survivor of COVID-19
The DMV Daily had the pleasure of speaking with Tamika Harden, a professional fitness trainer, instructor, and coronavirus survivor. She ran a gym where she quickly 200+ women a month.
![]() Q: What is your name and tell me about yourself?
Tamika: My name is Tamika Harden, and I am a 33-year-old fitness enthusiast. My professional titles include personal trainer, life coach, and Waist Slimming Massage Tech. Q: What exactly do you do for a living? Tamika: As a certified Body Makeover Specialist, I create realistic body makeover plans Including workouts, meal plans, products, and services that would help a client reach their goals in no time. My goal is to teach clients how to make healthy lifestyle changes that work.
Q: What is your inspiration behind you becoming a fitness instructor? Tamika: From childhood to adolescence, I was overweight. I hated being overweight with a passion. Both children and adults were mean, which negatively impacted my self-image. When I turned 16-years-old, I joined my very first health club, without the help of an adult. That’s how badly I wanted it. Through hard work, I lost 40lbs and fell in love with fitness. At the young age of 19, I was hired to manage and operate the very same fitness club where it all started. Q: If you don’t mind, can you talk about your experience with COVID? Tamika: Testing positive for COVID-19 was an eye-opening experience, an experience I am grateful to be able to talk about. Too many people have lost their lives to this deadly virus. I am thankful to have survived. It all started as flu-like symptoms. I felt tired like never before, body aches, and cough. At first, I tried to push through it. I was able to do so until about day 4 or 5 of the symptoms. By then, I was knocked down cold. Getting out of bed was too much of a task. I would only wake up to hydrate and for hygienic purposes. I couldn’t eat, taste, smell, or have the desire to do anything. I attempted to get tested twice and was denied access due to a lack of readiness as availability in my state and area. My third attempt to get tested, almost ten days after displaying symptoms, was successful, and that’s when I found out that I had tested positive.
Tamika: For the past 15 years, I’ve led a healthy lifestyle—a lifestyle of positive mental and physical health, including physical movement and balanced nutrition. COVID-19 knocks your body down. It’s like your in a ring going toe for toe. It’s no joke. The stronger your immune defense, the better chance you have at fighting COVID-19. COVID-19 is a respiratory virus. Working out regularly naturally improves your respiratory functions. My lifestyle practices made me fit to fight COVID-19, and by God’s Grace, I won. Q: Any tips or advice for those to currently battling and recovering from COVID? Tamika: Don’t stop trying until you seek the medical support you need. This is a time to build immunity using natural vitamins and juicing fruits and vegetables. Now more than ever, it’s essential to make the appropriate changes to live a healthier lifestyle even if those changes seem very small to you. It’s a start. Q: What have you been doing since you recovered from COVID?
Tamika: Immediately after recovering from COVID-19, I begin to teach virtually online. In as little as two weeks, I built an online business. Although the start-up has been both rocky and fun, I am still eager to see what’s next. Surviving COVID-19 has given me a greater sense of my purpose. I know that my mission is to help others succeed using my strengths and success as tools. Q: How do you use your fitness platform to help women like yourself? Tamika: I use my fitness platform to help Motivate and educate people. When a client starts my fitness program, my goal is to help them achieve much more than just a decrease in numbers on a scale. I want them to feel more confident, both mentally and physically stronger. ![]() Q: How can more women get involved with your fitness program? (Ex. virtually via zoom) Tamika: You can follow me on social media via Instagram, Facebook, YouTube @BodyByTamika and visit my website BodyByTamika.com Q: Any fitness tips and advice for everyone still in quarantine? Don’t let the quarantine halt your self-care. Now more than ever is time to put your health first, both mentally and physically. Try walking your dog daily or going for social distancing walks. Small changes can have a considerable impact. Tough times make tougher people. We will get through this Pandemic. Use this time as motivation to make a positive change that can genuinely change your life. |