2020 COVID-19 Election Updates
Recovery plans across the country are moving into their next phase. As residents continue to remain informed on COVID-19, there has been a stark contrast for cohesive information for the upcoming 2020 elections.
Recent PEW research indicates that Americans are following news about COVID-19 more closely than presidential candidates. A poll conducted on April 20-26, showed only 19% of U.S. adults are following the 2020 presidential election candidates, whereas 46% are following the coronavirus outbreak.
As of May 22, the only states in the country that remain officially shut down are Illinois, New Jersey, and Delaware, reported by the New York Times. Overall news coverage has been expansive on COVID-19 with over 1,571,617 cases according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Yet, as many residents aim to stay informed this data provides context on news coverage for the 2020 election and the necessary information needed to keep residents aware of 2020 elections and voting options.
Across the country various recovery plans continue to shift policy for state and regional reopening. As adjustments continue, a conversation emerged this week from recent comments of presidential candidate Joe Biden, on race and voting decisions. With Biden’s comments going viral it has again become clear we are a mere six months away from the November election.
Pew Research confirms there is a close tie in residents either being knowledgeable or simply unaware of state Democratic primary elections. Each state currently has various plans for voting options whether it is delayed election dates, absentee ballots, vote-by-mail, or even in-person votes that may still occur.
According to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), states that have bills toward delaying 202o Elections include Alabama, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and South Dakota.
Current states with legislation relating to absentee and mail-in voting include Alaska, California, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Utah.
For the DC, Maryland, and Virginia it is important to note the following:
- DC will still conduct the Presidential Primary election on June 2, encouraging all residents to request an absentee (mail-in) ballot; In-person voting centers are currently open (early voting starting May 22)
- As of April 10, Maryland’s issued an executive order for a plan to conduct upcoming primary and special elections by mail, along with safety measures for in-person voting; ballots due and election to be held on June 2
- Virginia has declared that residents with COVID concerns can qualify to request an absentee ballot for the upcoming elections; election to be held June 23 with in-person voting available
For upcoming election dates and voting options please visit the appropriate site below for your state:
- Countrywide primary dates: https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/2020-state-primary-election-dates.aspx
- DC: https://www.dcboe.org/
- Maryland: https://elections.maryland.gov/voting/index.html
- Virginia: https://www.elections.virginia.gov/
To learn more about presidential campaign views and actions please visit the following:
- Biden: Politico Link; Ballotpedia Link
- Trump: Ballotpedia link; On the Issues Link