
The DMV Daily Interviews: Brianna Queen

The DMV Daily Interviews: Brianna Queen
  • PublishedJanuary 29, 2018

Brianna Queen: CEO of BeeQbox Q&A


 What made you want to create your cosmetic brand and why the name Bee-Q-Box? 

BEEQBOX started off as a subscription box service dedicated to black-owned makeup brands. The name is derived from my full name Brianna Queen.


Since this is a black-owned business, are your products specifically designed for melanin women? 

My products work on all shade ranges, especially women of color.

What sets your brand apart from other companies?

While being catchy and mainstream, my products are quality and also work. Pretty with a purpose.

 Your signature product is the F*ck boy repellant that I have personally used and love! What spark the idea to create this special setting spray?

The idea came to me overnight when I spent my 20th birthday alone, which was also election day (Nov 8 2016), so as you can imagine I was fully inspired to create something that repels fuckery.

Did you have any setbacks when starting up the business that ultimately made you want to give up? 

Building friendships/business relationships with genuine people was a struggle. I was forced to weed out negative energy and people, they were clouding my judgment and hindering my performance.

What is your biggest accomplishment thus far within the company?

Being in business for 1 year, most do not make it that far. Along with various press articles and viral social media videos.

There has been a lot of YouTubers, influencers and magazine press such as allure that has praised your illuminating sprays and other products. Did you ever think first starting off, you would have this much success in the company?

I did not expect people to love the formulation as much as they did! I have even had people beg me to never change the formulation because it does wonders for their skin. With that being said, I always believe that there is ample room for improvement and this year I cannot wait to perfect my craft.

 How do you manage it all being a full-time college student and running a brand all on your own?

Starting my business on my own taught me a lot about myself. I really learned how to trust my gut instinct and rely on my own company, rather than the company of others to keep from being alone. My school grades suffered along the way, I eventually had to refocus my priorities this past semester. I made dean’s list though I was not as active with my business. It’s all about finding the right balance, which is still a learning process for me as well. 


I noticed on your website, you’ve created a webinar for any entrepreneurs who want to start a successful business. What can someone expect from this webinar if they were to sign up? Have you received positive feedback from this?

I have received about 25 exemplary reviews from my guests. You can expect a very intimate no cut cards webinar that is professionally structured. I offered a 50-page PDF document and also an hour-long Q and A session to my first cohort.


Bee-Q-Box is an indie makeup brand meaning the sales are only online. Will there ever be a chance the company has an established store in the DMV area?

I would love to open up a black-owned beauty shop that features other brands as well. My boyfriend wants to get into commercial real estate so you neverrr knowwww! 

What keeps you motivated to create more products knowing there is a lot of competition in the beauty/skincare industry? 

I have to remind myself why I started and what my goals are. Though it is important to keep tabs on the competition, I do not obsess over it.

What can people expect from your product line in 2018?

Product solidification rather than expansion. I want to perfect what I already have before I try to add to my collection. You can expect the return of highlighters and maybe 1 more glitter related items.

 Though it is best to sign up for the webinar for more detailed tips, what is one piece of advice you can share with anyone who wants to create their own business and gain success from it?

Trust your gut. Those who are getting into entrepreneurship will understand what I mean, if not now then eventually they will.

Thanks for the interview,

If you have any people that you think might be interested in the webinar let me know, BQ

LINK TO BEE Q BOX: https://www.beeqbox.com/



Written By
The DMV Daily Staff

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