Former President Jimmy Carter Suffers From Broken Hip.

Former President Jimmy Carter Suffers From Broken Hip.

  • PublishedMay 14, 2019

Former President Jimmy Carter suffers from broken hip

Former President Jimmy Carter is recovering after suffering from a broken hip injury Monday morning.

According to the Carter Center, the former president was getting ready to go turkey hunting when he felled. He went to Phoebe Sumter Medical Center in Americus, GA where he had underwent surgery. His surgeon reported that the surgery was a success and that he is know with his wife, Rosalynn, recovering.

The statement goes on to read:

“President Carter said his main concern is that turkey season ends this week, and he has not reached his limit. He hopes the State of Georgia will allow him to rollover the unused limit to next year.”

Former President Carter is a U.S. Navy Nuclear Submarine Officer, served as a Georgia state senator in the mid 60’s before becoming the state’s 76th governor. In 1976, he successfully ran for president serving one term. The former president was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for co-founding the Carter Center, an Atlanta-based organization to promote and expand human rights.

Carter is the longest-retired president in U.S. history, and in 2017 became the first president to live to the 40th anniversary of his inauguration. This year, Carter became the longest-lived American president in U.S. history.

He and his wife, Rosalynn, has been very active throughout the years with Georgia-based Habitat for Humanity and frequently works to help build homes.

Source: Fox 5

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