
Get To Know Upcoming Atlanta Dancer Vee

Get To Know Upcoming Atlanta Dancer Vee
  • PublishedMay 22, 2020

Dancing has always been a beautiful art form that many people admire. I got the chance to do a brief interview with upcoming dancer Vee who formerly lived in Maryland but relocated to Atlanta. Check out the interview below!


How old were you when you started dancing? When did you start to take dancing seriously?


I was 4 when I started dancing my mom never really put me in dance classes I started as a freestyle dancer and didn’t start taking it seriously until 2019 when I moved to Atlanta.


Did you ever have stage fright or become nervous when dancing in front of others?

You know what’s crazy I get nervous dancing in front of one person but if it’s a crowd I don’t get nervous at all because you can’t really see no one when you’re on stage. Dancing is an escape from the real spirit of my universe.

So I know you used to live in Maryland, but now reside in Atlanta. How has the transition been so far and what is the dance scene like down there?



So like I didn’t start taking dance seriously until I moved to Atlanta just being here for 8 months for almost a year I’ve done a good job networking and got my first job with Rubi rose in December of 2019.

The transition from Maryland to Georgia wasn’t bad at all the only thing I can say that was a struggle was Georgia traffic is worse than New York and it’s insane Fashion and dance will forever be the be apart of me but I actually keep them separated fashion is me all the time but once I hit the studio I’m a completely different person.

Choreography is something that amazes me. When I watch the videos I think wow how do the students learn these moves and able to catch on so fast. How much pressure do those sessions bring?

I love learning choreography especially from different dancers with different styles it’s a bigger challenge so I can push myself harder and improve in my technique because if you’re comfortable with the choreography in a class you’re not growing that’s my opinion you have to be uncomfortable to grow.

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These dance classes pressure me a little bit makes me anxious because I tend to overthink they choreography but you can’t let that get to you because you’re going to be stressed the majority of the time and that’s not good so I take these classes to learn how to calm my mind and not overthink so much.

What are the best workouts to get into dancing shape?

The best workout routine for me is squats, lunge, running, jumping jacks, all the workouts!!! Working out helps you build your techniques so don’t lack on the also STRETCH it’s important it’s something I tell myself every day we tend to always skip that part.


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Pros and cons of being a dancer to you? For upcoming dancers what advice would you give them?

Like I said I just started taking dance seriously so these pros and cons will get longer throughout the time but my first pro will be you get to know a lot of people and get connected with a lot of people especially the artist, you get to see the real them and how hard they work behind the scenes to make everything happen.

Cons is I don’t see some dancing as a long term sounds bad but it’s reality a lot of the time they want young dancers so by 30 it’s going to be hard for me to get continuous gigs I’m not saying it’s impossible but it’s the truth.

Last but not least give some shoutouts and tell the readers where they can follow you on social media!!!!

Shoutout to my mom because she was the real reason I moved down here fun fact I didn’t want too but she convinced me but you can follow my Instagram: @ayo.foreign_ and subscribe to my YouTube at Vee.raiyn

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Written By
Ashton Horne

Ashton Horne is an upcoming writer who currently resides in Harford County. He currently interns for TheDMVDaily as a journalist.