Business Interviews

It’s Safer To Grow In Your Own Home, Nova Horticare Makes That Happen For You.

It’s Safer To Grow In Your Own Home, Nova Horticare Makes That Happen For You.
  • PublishedJanuary 28, 2022

Nova Horticare is the first company in the DMV to offer full-cycle (from seed to harvest) residential cultivation services. While other businesses may sell seminars or products, Nova Horticare offers cannabis cultivation services exclusively. They’re a Black-owned company that was started by a horticulturist and luxury personal shopper. They combined our passion for plants and service to create a business that is focused on customer satisfaction and rooted in science.

How did you come up with the name of your company?
Nova Horticare was inspired by the areas we most commonly serve and our love of horticulture.
What inspired you to start a business focusing on cannabis cultivation?
We believe that having cannabis grown for you in your home is the best way to know precisely what you’re consuming. The days of meeting a stranger in an unfamiliar location are over. And while there are several reputable dispensaries available, there are far more that seek to prey on consumers by selling products of unknown quality and origin. By having cannabis grown for you in your home, you can guarantee quality, quantity, and safety.

What type of products/services does Nova Horticare offer?
Nova Horticare specializes in the care of cannabis plants while maximizing your end harvest. Our most popular services allow the plants’ owner to remain 100% hands-off while we handle everything. This includes planting seeds, watering/nutrition, and eventually harvesting. After your buds are ready to consume, we can make oils/butter or a variety of edibles. If you prefer to smoke, we also offer rolling services.
What attracted you to the cannabis industry?
We saw a need for high-quality professional services. So when you hire Nova Horticare, you’ll get to work one on one with your cannabis caregiver to grow plants that meet your needs and wants.

Can you speak on the importance of legalizing cannabis?
Simply put, the good outweighs the bad. Legalizing would mean more jobs and more healthcare options for everyone.
What are the characteristics of Indicas and Sativas?
The most important characteristics of each can be found in the plants while you grow them. For example, Sativas tend to be taller, thinner plants while Indicas tend to be shorter and bushier. These are essential features to remember, especially when considering how much free space you have to grow in your home.
If you could change anything about the cannabis industry, what would it be and why?
The perception of the customer. Cannabis is one of few industries where customers can face potentially damaging consequences if their use if made public. For this reason, many people have turned to delivery services instead of waiting in line at dispensaries. But even then, many people face issues with potential open container violations or, worse, robbery.

Advice and tips for people looking into cannabis cultivation?
Less is more! Remember, they call it weed for a reason. It’s going to grow. But for the best potency and quantity, consult Nova Horticare.
Written By
The DMV Daily Staff

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