Montgomery County coronavirus cases jump 50% with six new cases
Officials in Montgomery County have reported six new coronavirus cases, a 50% increase from the 12 previously reported.
Just in: Montgomery County officials report six new coronavirus cases:
4 are men in their 20s-70s
2 are women in their 20s and 30s
More soon
— FOX 5 DC (@fox5dc) March 15, 2020
As of right now, there are currently more coronavirus cases in Montgomery County than anywhere else in Maryland.
Gov. Larry Hogan stated the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Maryland is up to 31.
NOTICE: The @MDHealthDept’s COVID-19 resource page,, has been upgraded to ensure accessibility and ease of use. It remains the State of Maryland’s foremost resource for health information, including case counts and clinician guidance.
— Governor Larry Hogan (@GovLarryHogan) March 15, 2020
You can track the coronavirus cases in the state here.
Maryland Public Schools are closed from now to March 27 in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus.