
Pooh Shiesty Alleged Shooting Victim Recants

Pooh Shiesty Alleged Shooting Victim Recants

Pooh Shiesty’s alleged shooting victim has said that he cannot remember giving his original statement to the cops, according to TMZ. Attorneys, Bradford Cohen, and Saam Zangeneh, filed a new

  • PublishedJune 15, 2021

Pooh Shiesty’s alleged shooting victim has said that he cannot remember giving his original statement to the cops, according to TMZ.

Attorneys, Bradford Cohen, and Saam Zangeneh, filed a new motion this week with what they say is sworn testimony from the guard in question … who now claims he was on a powerful painkiller and unaware of what he was saying to the police when they first spoke. 

Frivin Dor’s transcribed interview with Pooh’s legal team is documented … and he’s on record saying he was given Dilaudid — a powerful opioid painkiller — when he first arrived at the hospital that night, which he now claims knocked him on his ass as he spoke to a detective about the matter, ’cause he doesn’t remember a thing.

In this new account, Dor suggests the commotion in the club might have been caused by a fan (the spinning type, not a person) that fell in a parking garage nearby. He also says he doesn’t recall Pooh aiming at him or even shooting at him.

This is a total turnaround in the affidavit used against Pooh last week. 


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