The DMV Daily Interviews: DavyJTheVirgo
Meet DavyJTheVirgo With LivengoodLivin Where did your media name come from? -The Lunch Table came from the thought of a universal place that everyone comes to for peace and dialogue.
Meet DavyJTheVirgo With LivengoodLivin
Where did your media name come from?
-The Lunch Table came from the thought of a universal place that everyone comes to for peace and dialogue. Usually
lunch is everyone’s favorite part of the day especially in school. That is the time to catch up on all of the gossip with
your friends.
What do you do?
-I’m a media personality as well as the CEO/Founder of The Lunch Table
Describe the entertainment industry
The industry is growing never the less. Media is in way more demand now as social media use is increased in
today’s society. The thing that kills me is that sometimes media uses false information or misleading headlines for
attention. Little do they know this is damaging someone else’s career and reputation.
What makes you love it?
I love media because if we look back into time it is the only thing that has saved us as far as knowing our history.
If there weren’t any pictures or videos of anything how would we remember this. It excites me to go back and look at old footage or
pictures. It also excites me to be able to make something that can make another person laugh or be so entertained that they forget
about their daily stress and get lost in the video/picture
Spell out your first name in words that describe you
D- Determined
A- Aggressive
I -Independent
Explain the lunch table in five words
Goals for the lunch table
– I want The Lunch Table to be one of the biggest media platforms in the world and be still thriving after I die.
Any celebs you personally want to work with?
– I would love to work with Terrance J, I really look up to him and everything he is doing
Any shout outs?
-All of our supporters that have helped us through the years and are still loyal! Thank you
All social medias!
@TLTBlogShow @DavyJTheVirgo