The DMV Daily Interviews: Jefe Jones & Notorious OGG
Meet Jefe & OGG With LivengoodLivin Name three things we don’t know about you OGG – I’m the greatest, a Legend in my own right Jefe – We are more
Meet Jefe & OGG With LivengoodLivin

Name three things we don’t know about you
OGG – I’m the greatest, a Legend in my own right
Jefe – We are more than just rappers
OGG – We’re the future’s future, in the present -
Define you in 5 words
“We are two young moguls.”
Favorite pre-studio ritual?
Get medicated for our meditation.
Top 5 biggest musical influences?
a. Ourselves
b. BIG
c. Tupac
d. Wayne
e. Nipsey Hussle
f. Russell Simons -
Define the music industry
OGG – Grimy, it’s really like the streets. You have to grow up really fast when you start to get into the streets or the industry. You have to operate in a space where you know not everyone you deal with on a day to day has your best interest at heart, but you still have work with them. You just really have to watch yourself and the people around you.
Jefe – It’s very political I think. It’s more about popularity and who has the bag than talent and creativity. Art isn’t for everybody. If it’s for everybody it isn’t art. So “main stream” has to be by definition less artistic than independent artists and music.
Artist and media personalities you would like to work with
Jefe – Gary Vaynerchuk , iampvnch
OGG – I’d be more interested in working with and learning from men like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. People like them helped me think about how to set up the conglomerate we have, YGM. We need to learn how to start reproducing entrepreneurs after ourselves, not just becoming independently successful and wealthy.
Jefe & OGG – shout out to YGM the Conglomerate: La Familia Gang Records, Mob Ties Productions (Fully Loxded Loxded Loxded Fully), and DTFT Do the Fly Thing.
And my haters -
Spell out each letter in your name with a word
OGG – Original Gifted Genius
Jefe – Jaunty Exquisite Freehand Eminent