
The DMV Daily Interviews: The Kittrell Brothers

The DMV Daily Interviews: The Kittrell Brothers
  • PublishedJanuary 14, 2021

The DMV Daily had the pleasure of speaking with the Kittrell Brothers, two brothers who were forced to hustle or find avenues to make money while chasing a dream.  Growing up mindset developed from playing football, The Kittrell Brothers shifted that into starting businesses.


Derrick developed Kittrell properties, our real estate group, and along aside with the team and myself we launched our first online platform teaching our community how to trade in the stock market, buying and selling homes without using your own cash or credit, and business start-up helping our community learn financial stability and generational wealth. Today 30 and 25 when we look back at our process we know it’s not going to be easy nor have it’s been.. it’s just better with each other. We are both fathers now to two beautiful Boys and our mission statement is still the same feed our family by any means.
– The Kittrell Brothers


Q: How did the idea for your business come about?

Kittrell Brothers: Training my younger brother during our off seasons because at the time local trainers weren’t a thing

Q: What was your key driving force to become an entrepreneur?

Kittrell Brothers: My family, and not being afforded the opportunities to succeed my only motivation is to change my situation

Q: How did you come up with the name of your company?

Kittrell Brothers: Whystop seemed fit for the path I was actually on, out moving and hauling company is named after Derrick and I two sons, along with Kittrell properties. The paid review came from a conversation in our home office. We wanted something catchy and a friend of mine helped us come up with THE PAID REVIEW

Q: How did you raise funding for your venture?

Kittrell Brothers: We raised funding by hosting local workouts, camps, reinvesting, and multiple sides hustles. The art of flipping money

Q: How do you build a successful customer base?

Kittrell Brothers: Marketing marketing marketing. Alongside in-kind services, networking, and supporting others. I realized over the years you get what you put in we try to put out good in the world and your customers and family feel that.

Q: How do you market your business, and which tactics have been most successful?

Kittrell Brothers: Social media, word of mouth, online promotion, street marketing. Social media have been the most successful.

Q: How many hours a day do you work on average?

Kittrell Brothers: 12 hours a day

Q: Can you describe/outline your typical day?

Kittrell Brothers: Our day is pretty simple we wake up workout, Derrick and Morgan Get Huxton ready for his day as I prepare to drop Kaz off at school at 8 am we are already at our computers reading screeners and different charts accessing the market. After our first few calls and investments, we dedicate a few hours to real estate. Calling different buyers and sellers. Getting homes under contract or even driving for dollars. Throughout the entire day, we are accessing charts and making calls on our online platform. After lunch, I like to dedicate some time to schedule our moving jobs and assigning the work to our team members. As the day come to a close our house does not sleep. Constant conversations, plans, and goals are being discussed all day long.

Q: How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?

Kittrell Brothers: My family life in some instances gets very tough because of the time spent. For the most part, we are a lot closer because this is a family business

Q: What motivates you?

Kittrell Brothers: My family and changing my situation. We have been through a lot so change is needed

Q: What is your greatest fear, and how do you manage fear?

Kittrell Brothers: My greatest fear is being stuck in a mindset that I believe I can’t provide for mines and not realizing the power I have before it’s too late. I manage fear by keeping my head up chest out and a full head of steam knowing how strong my mind is. In a room full of sharks I will still survive

Q: How do you define success?

Kittrell Brothers: Success is defined by the amount of knowledge you have x the amount of risk you are willing to take.

Q: Do you believe there is some sort of pattern or formula to becoming a successful entrepreneur?

Kittrell Brothers: There is no one formula to becoming successful the one thing I say is to stick to the script and trust the process

Q: What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?

Kittrell Brothers: Creating businesses that help others

Written By
Abu Sillah

Abu Sillah is Business Owner from Prince George's County, MD. He serves as the CEO of The DMV Daily and Marketing Manager of The Wig Cafe. Outside of business and media, Abu is a middle school teacher and Promotions Assistant for RadioOne DC. He has a B.A. in Sociology from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore and an M.A. from Bowie State University. Abu is very passionate about 3 things: media, working with kids and uplifting others,