Interviews Music Singles

Washington DC R&B Sensation Tylan Shares New Single ‘Feel This Way’

Washington DC R&B Sensation Tylan Shares New Single ‘Feel This Way’
  • PublishedMay 5, 2020

Washington, DC native Tylan, the 16-year-old R&B sensation shares a new single entitled “Feel This Way” featuring Mr. Ronnie DeVoe. We had the opportunity to learn more about Tylan in a one on one Q&A discussing his new single and future plans with his music career.  Tylan is also currently promoting a new dance Challenge. Visit one of his social media platforms to learn about it.

Learn More About Tylan Here: www.officialtylan.com

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  • Facebook: OfficialTylan
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  • Twitter: OfficialTylan
Get to know Tylan and his latest single ‘Feel This Way‘ in this short Q&A.

Q – Tell us about your single ‘Feel This Way’

TYLAN – Feel This Way is a flip to New Edition’s “If It Isn’t Love” written by RL from Next and produced by Brian B-Flat Cook, featuring the legendary Ronnie Devoe. I actually had the pleasure of meeting Ronnie at the Congressional Black Caucus a couple months before “Feel This Way” even came into fruition. This song means a lot to me because it was a birthday present to my mom this year with it dropping on her birthday. New Edition was her favorite group growing up and is still one of her favorites to this day, so to recreate one of their songs dream come true not just for me but her as well!

Q – Who inspired you to make music?

TYLAN – Michael Jackson and Usher were my biggest musical inspirations growing up and still are to this day. I came out of the womb jamming to Usher’s classics and who doesn’t look up to, in my opinion, the greatest entertainer of all time MJ. The way MJ impacted not just his fans but everyone across the globe is the way I want to impact my people and leave a legacy that’s at least half of the legacy he left. Although those guys have impacted me so much, my biggest inspiration is my granddad. I lost my granddad a couple months ago and I, just like anyone, am still going through the grieving process and trying to figure out life without him present. He was so excited about me getting into music and had high expectations for me to be the very best that I can be and I don’t want to ever let him down.
Q – How would you describe the music that you typically create?
TYLAN – Well I would describe my music as soulful R&B with a hint of the trap. Coming into music I knew I wanted to make great love songs because I grew up listening to that 90s R&B that made you want to be loved up, but I also had to think about the times we live in now and the way music is going and typically, people aren’t talking those things a lot anymore so that’s where the trap comes in. It’s no place better to create some trap records like it is in the A.

Q – What is your creative process like?

TYLAN – I usually try to think about situations that are going on in my life or my close friend’s lives and create songs that are memorable and relatable to your everyday person. Music is not just created to impact you but the people you intend to deliver it too.

Q – Who would you most like to collaborate with?

TYLAN – Female artist wise I want to collaborate with HER. I just love her style and just the soulfulness of her voice and the way she conveys a song. Male artist, I obviously want to work with one of my musical inspirations in Usher but I also want to work with Drake because it seems like every song/project he creates turns into not gold but platinum and he is at a place in his career that I aspire to get to and reach.

Q – If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?

TYLAN – If I could open a show for any artist it would also have to be Drake or Beyonce. The energy and vibes that are in the building when they perform is out of this world, so I would love to get the opportunity to share the stage with them and learn from those guys to perfect my craft.

Q – What is one message you would give to your fans?

TYLAN – A message I would send to my fans is to do and be whatever you want to be and to always be confident in yourself even when people speak negativity over you. Speak positivity over your life and craft and have the confidence to go out and do it. I knew I could sing all my life but I never had the confidence to do it, if it wasn’t for my close friends who knew that I could sing telling me you can make something of yourself with this gift, I wouldn’t be here sharing my gift with the world today.

Q – What is the most useless talent you have?

TYLAN – To be honest, I’m not even sure, I’m going to have to get back to you guys with that one.

Q – What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?

TYLAN – I would be doing what any other 16 year old is doing, trying to figure out what college I want to go to and just trying to figure out how life is going to be after high school going into college. I still have plans and aspirations outside of my music that I want to achieve so I still plan to go to college and do great things both musically and overall.

Q – Where have you performed?

TYLAN – My most notable performances have been in Vegas with Miki Howard and Keith Washington, at the Howard Theatre opening up for Carl Thomas, a block party in ATL, as well at a post-game show for my hometown Washington Wizards.

Q – How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?

TYLAN – The Internet has drastically impacted music. Music can be heard faster and shared to reach more audiences all over the world. The Internet/Social Media keeps your fans up to date with what you’re doing and when they can expect more music from you and that’s something music has never had before. Fans get an exclusive look at your everyday life outside of music because of the Internet/Social Media.

Q – Which famous musicians do you admire?

TYLAN – I admire Michael Jackson and Beyonce in just their work ethic. They give everything 110% and won’t stop until everything is perfect and to their pleasing.

Q – What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?

TYLAN – I don’t know! I really don’t get in trouble with my mom because the lady is crazy so I try my very best not to get on her bad side.

Q – What is the best advice you’ve been given?

TYLAN – Do what you love to do until it’s not fun anymore. When it begins to feel like a job or a time consumer and you’re not enjoying the process anymore, it’s time to find a new passion and something you get fired up about to get better.

Q – If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

TYLAN – If I could change anything about this industry, it would be all the negativity that comes into it like backstabbing or undercutting and all the egos.

Q – What’s next for you?

TYLAN – Continuing to create and put out great music and perfecting my craft to make all my goals and aspirations come true that I have musically.

Written By
The DMV Daily Staff

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