The DMV Daily Interviews: Foreign Money
Foreign LivengoodLivin With Foreign Money
Three things we don’t know about you?
I’m funny asf, Sometimes I like to be alone, and I’m half Chinese
Define yourself in 5 words?
Always believe they’re always other ways
Favorite Pre-Studio traditions?
I’ll need my liquor and smokes.
Top 5 biggest Musical Influences?
Biggie Smalls and Jay Z
Define the Music Industry?
A Secret society that wants you to kiss ass to join.
Artist and media personalities you would like to work with?
Far as media personalities I would love to work with Marisa Mendez of Dash Radio & NeNe of Nonfiction Radio. An Artist would be Chris Brown
The entire NYC and DMV thanks for supporting the music, fam in the Bmore and DC areas..
S/0 to BANDKLAN…S/0 #Traplive and TheDMVDAILY.COM
Name 10 artists you want to work with?
Every Indie artist on the come up in the DMV and NYC
Spell every letter in your name with a word?