
Get To Know Local Business Owner Najah Cross and Her Business – Beaded By Na

Get To Know Local Business Owner Najah Cross and Her Business – Beaded By Na
  • PublishedDecember 14, 2020

The DMV Daily had the pleasure of getting to know surging local business Beaded By Na. Najah Muhammad Cross is a creative director in every sense of the word. She creates marketing campaigns, conceptualizes brand shoots, consults on all digital marketing matters for upcoming businesses and events. She is currently honing her skills in Marketing and Hip Hop & Visual Studies at Bowie State University. While also applying her skills and experiences into her business Beaded By Na. She aspires to venture into either the fashion, music or digital media industry and opening up two additional businesses. Learn more about her business below:

Q: How did the idea for your business come about?

I started my business, by actually just fulfilling a want I had at the time. I wanted my own waist beads the initial ones that I purchased in my hometown had popped. From that event, I ended up teaching myself how to make my own. Following that, I was on Snapchat one day showcasing my beads and posed the question “what if I began selling waist beads?”. Within 10 minutes I had 5 inquiries for purchase and began selling beads from that day on. Within time my product line had increased based on the needs/wants of the people around me. I believe it also helped that everything that I made or curated I would always wear because it was apart of my style and I believe that made my product more personable.

Q: What was your key driving force to become an entrepreneur?

Creative Control & Independence. I’ve been working since I was 16 and I could do a job well but the work either had poor management or drained me creatively and energetically. I wanted to create something that would test my ability to manage and create a creative outlet for myself.

Q: How did you come up with the name of your company?

Initially, I only sold beaded jewelry and I made everything by hand so the name Beaded By Na just stuck with me.

Q:  How did you raise funding for your venture?

I have raised my funds myself, I work whether that was a part-time job, a gig, etc. I would use all of those funds to invest in Beaded By Na. For some of the same reasons that sparked my desire to become an entrepreneur, fuels the things I do to keep it afloat.

Q: How do you build a successful customer base?

Be authentic. Everyone is not your ideal customer and that’s okay. My strongest asset to my business is my personality and I apply that when I create content, reaching out to customers, etc.

Q: How do you market your business, and which tactics have been most successful?

I utilize my network, I started my business while at my HBCU, and I marketed to students and staff. Following that, I moved up to pop up shops at different schools and places and networked with everyone there. A key thing is to follow up and not only search for people that can benefit you, but also look at who you can help too!

Q: How many hours a day do you work on average?

Between being in school and internships I make a point to dedicate at least 2-3 hours each day to strictly business and try to plan for everything.

Q: Can you describe/outline your typical day?

Wake up, shower, meditate and say a few affirmations to start the foundation of my day. Following that check up on my store as far as insights, emails, etc. From there log in for class and do homework. I always try to make time for things that fuel my soul so I might have a jam session and listen to a playlist dance around then hop back into the business and my studies.

Q: How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?

Being an entrepreneur hasn’t affected my family life. If anything it has allowed me to become a resource of information.

Q: What motivates you?

My ability to impact people and how to.

Q: How do you generate new ideas?

I look at the world around me and pull from things that excite me. Other than jewelry I love looking at art, dance, and film.

Q: What is your greatest fear, and how do you manage fear?

My greatest fear is not using up all my potential and gifts in the world. I want to leave this world empty. I try to repurpose the energy and use it as fuel for all my tasks.

Q: What are your ideals?

To live spontaneously, enjoy the moment but also plan for the future. Lastly, give the world what you needed the most growing up.

Q: How do you define success?

I’m still trying to figure this out for myself. I know what it isn’t in my book, it’s not material based. It’s not about being known for being flashy. I would say success for me right now is how can I change my mindset and how many lives have I impacted.

Q: Do you believe there is some sort of pattern or formula to becoming a successful entrepreneur?

Being consistent is a must, that is important for every entrepreneur to succeed so people take you seriously. Other than that I don’t think there is a particular formula.

Q: What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?

Being able to bring my ideas to life whether that’s video/photo shoots, creating pieces, and the ability to create opportunities to use their gifts!

Q: What has been your most satisfying moment in business?

Interactions with my muses. They inspire me to keep going and even challenge the way I look at business and how to do what I do.

Written By
Tae Sweizy

Father. Chairman of The DMV Daily & DMVD Networks - www.DMVDN.com