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Jevaun Bishop, A Baltimore Basketball Mogul

Jevaun Bishop, A Baltimore Basketball Mogul
  • PublishedNovember 24, 2020

Jevaun Bishop

A Basketball Mogul.
Beats The Odds of Struggling to Now Changing The Lives of Baltimore’s Youth
Baltimore Basketball Academy (Owner)

Jevaun Bishop, like most kids growing up in Baltimore, his parents had him at the early age of 18. He has experienced almost every living situation you can imagine from living in the county, sharing a bed with my siblings, living in Baltimore city, having stayed with his grandmother for a year after a family house fire, so he’s no stranger to grind and hardship.

His company BMOREBASKETBALLACADEMY is a mere reflection of who he is and the upbringing he wants his program to reflect. A goal of his is to start a program that fits every walk of life from the elite athlete that has their city buzzing, to the small-town kid who just wants an outlet from his current situation…

That’s the exact reason his program offers a diverse selection of programs, elite basketball training, study groups tutoring, mentoring from men and women from different walks of life have such as, Joshua Fulton is a real estate guru who comes in and mentors the kids about real estate and daily life tips. Another is Karahn Alston, a MAJOR PR representative, even Randy Gregory, who is currently working for the Orlando Magic staff. 

So like very few programs here, we have created a program that is built on diversity. No kid should feel boxed into the thought of only being a ballplayer but using the game to propel you to your calling.

Bishop got his inspiration to start the BMOREBASKETBALLACADEMY after being one of those kids who thought basketball was my way out and thought that the game would take care of my family. During his senior year of high school, he was told that he wouldn’t be able to play competitively anymore due to heart conditioning called HCM.  Honestly, if it wasn’t for having a little brother who begun his training with me 3 times a day 7 days a week, he would probably be lost to this day.

I understand that every kid doesn’t get that same chance and opportunity so I created Bmorebasketballacademy where we teach how to use the game and not let the game use you. How to use this game to get into college and making connections. How to create a diverse circle when you get to college to set you up for a successful life. 

His company exposes these kids to so many different career paths and try to teach daily that life doesn’t stop or end when the ball goes flat and that success can still be achieved on the same level of not higher without basketball. The academy has impacted so many kids in our city from kids receiving scholarships play ball at George Washington mbb, South Carolina WMBB (Eniya Russel) (James Bishop ) Ryan Conway seton hall mbb… even as well as creating job opportunities for guys who come back home after college basketball career and have lost the light on there path because the Nba or overseas dream just didn’t pan out we have sat down with people of that very walk and drew out business ideas plans, made day to day regiments to break old habits to get these guys back on the right track to succeed while giving them lanes in their own expertise to make money while in the process. Many of these guys who college careers come back home with nothing or nobody to rely on. Everyone who was riding the wave of them making it or being that NBA overseas cash cow is no longer around and so we created a program where they having someone and somebody to lean on.

One of my lifetime goals is of course getting my brother into the NBA that’s been our lifetime goal since kids. A goal that we have been working like it’s no tomorrow for. I’m currently into buying real estate and property and one day plan to own multiple apartment complexes and duplex. Other goals he has is the redevelopment of the school system one day and the creation of a system that best fits the youth. The system will be used to help students learn how to deal with anxiety, depression, where teach finances credit how to balance a checkbook, etc that’s a goal of mine I have set place before I leave this earth. 

He also sees BMOREBASKETBALLACADEMY being a huge opportunity to buy commercial property and headquarters where it resides and turns into a preparatory school. 

Visit: www.BmoreBasketball.Academy.com

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The DMV Daily Staff

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