
The DMV Daily Interviews: Duhwayne

The DMV Daily Interviews: Duhwayne
  • PublishedFebruary 27, 2018


LivengoodLivin With Duhwayne


Duhwayne! Give us a background about you!

Background? Hmm. Well my name is Dwayne. I’m originally from the bronx NY but I have spent time in CT, PA and most recently Richmond VA for the last 4-5 years. I just relocated a few days ago to Washington DC. Many people know this but I’m a hooper. I’m pretty good, I played college basketball at D2 Penn State Hazleton and I’m their all time leading 3 point shooter in makes.  I played a year and a half professional before I called it a quits to pursue my media career.

Define yourself with a Sentence

 Dwayne is super weird, spontaneous and very different that people would imagine.

Three things unique about you?

Wow, I feel like I have to many things unique but everyone thinks their weird. First off I like rock music. Second, I’m only 5’9 but I can dunk haha. Third, I can skateboard pretty well lol

Songs that define you life?

 A song that defines my life? Def would be Get Around by Tupac

What would be your music artist name?

My music name would be Duhwayne, don’t ask why lmao.

Media origin? What made you love media?

My passion for media came from me constantly watching MTV and BET as a kid. I was never really into cartoons I just would watch music videos and 106 & Park. Along with sports center too. At one point I wanted to just be a sports anchor but than I realized I only like one sport in basketball. Music, I love all types of music. I found my passion right there.

Pre and post traditions for when you do anything media related?

Anything media related I do extensive research. Especially when I’m doing an interview, I like to know as much about my client as I can. Make my interviews more interesting, plus if I can develop something no or knows about them. I have reached my goal. Oh and when I first started I used to get nervous so I would have a shot before but I got over those jitters haha

Biggest media influences?

My biggest media influences are easily Stuart Scott (RIP) and Terrence J. Two of my idols other than my parents and Lebron James

Short term and long term goals?

My short term goal right now is to become a well known figure in media in the DMV. Long term is to be on the level of Terrence J and give back to the community.

Top five favorite moments of your career so far?

Well my first interview I ever locked in was on my birthday last year. Trap Beckham was at my birthday party, me and him got a little tooooo turnt. I booked the interview while we were in the stalls next to each other throwing up. It was too funny. That’s actually my only top memory right now because I don’t think anything can beat that story at the moment.

Any Shout outs?

Shoutout to the Judah Project out of Washington, DC. They are an amazing group of people helping out the DMV community.

What are you working on?

Right now I’m working on trying to get locked in with some major TV stations, Radio & Magazines.

Finally, spell out your name with a word

My social mediasss, you can catch me on the gram at @duhwayne and twitter @_duhwayne_. Follow ya boy!

Written By
The DMV Daily Staff

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