Fashion Interviews

The DMV Daily Interviews: The Media Prince

The DMV Daily Interviews: The Media Prince
  • PublishedFebruary 9, 2018
The Interviewing Prince LivengoodLivin With the Media Prince


The Media Prince or should I say the king!? LOL Anyways, give us a background about you?
  • I am international blogger and journalist, specializing in the art world and of course art can be anything (music, poetry, politics, athletics, etc.). I started in February 2015 The Media Prince and it was designed to profile the great up and coming talent to a bigger platform while being an outlet to help navigate talents to the next level.


Three Unique facts about you?
  • I am an amazing cook
  • I have to workout in order to feel human
  • Disney Channel stays on my TV 24/7
Five words to describe you?
  • Powerful
  • Dope
  • Talented
  • Creative
  • Blessed

Where did your media name originate from?
  • Honestly, the Lord, it just popped up in my head and I ran with it, made sure no one else had it and bought it and trademarked it, I think it was fate honestly.

Your website is www.theMediaPrince.com/ , I really like it, I use it to help format this website and my writing! Explain to everybody what the website is about!
  • Aww man thanks a lot that’s so dope. The website is about art itself, showcasing the art in everything we do, of course music comes first, but it has branched out to celebrate all facets of art.

When did you realize that you love media?
  • Freshman year of college, it was the rush of getting a story and learning the different techniques is what brought me closer to the idea of getting into media whether it was though photography, writing or audio, I just knew I wanted in.

Before you cover an event or write an article, what do you do? What are your pre and post media related activity traditions?
  • Zone in and relax, and enjoy the experience that is about to happen, I like to live in the moment while I can enjoy the moment and after it’s over, I usually reflect like omg did that just happen lol.

Biggest accolades? Favorite one in particular?
  • Blogger of the Year 2016 and 2017, and these in particular were important because the fan base got the chance to vote and it showed me that not only my city loves me, but so does the world. Shoutout the #PRINCERS, that what I call my supporters.
Who are your biggest influences?
  • In Media there are a few, Terrance J, J Media, PatIsDope, Perez Hilton. Shawn Cotton, Jawn Murray and Necole Kane
Media, music, and entertainment personalities you want to work with?
  • Terrance J, Shawn Cotton, Perez Hilton, Nick Cannon, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj and one day I am going to interview Beyonce, I’m already stamping it.

Define the media industry in ten words.
  • Fast
  • Gritty
  • Social
  • Innovative
  • Dope
  • Entertaining
  • Bold
  • Ready
  • Captivating
Define passion and how you show you passion.
  • Passion if the fire within that automatically flames up when you are doing your purpose, it naturally comes with what you love to do. I show my passion whenever Media Prince is involved, it’s how I breathe.
What would you tell a new journalist and blogger about the industry?
  • To find your niche and cater to that niche and do not shadow anyone, be you, there is only one you. Congratulate others and keep it moving to what sets you apart and keep going until the wheels fall off and when those wheels fall off, God upgrades you to another set of wheels.
Finally, spell out your name with a word!
  • T alented
  • H umble
  • E ager
  • M otivated
  • E ducated
  • D imensional
  • I ntelligent
  • A spiring
  • P repared
  • R eady
  • I nformed
  • N ice
  • C ool
  • E xcellence
Any last words?
  • 2018 is the year we will all see progress so to everyone do not give up and keep pushing, also stay tuned for my Shoe City Campaign, My Reality Show, More interviews, and My Talk Show ‘The Run Up’ Season 3 coming very soon.
Contact The Media Prince here!

@TheMediaPrince on all social medias!



Written By
The DMV Daily Staff

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