Entertainment Gaming

With Over 300+ Members, Take A Moment Meet The DMV Gamers Community

With Over 300+ Members, Take A Moment Meet The DMV Gamers Community
  • PublishedJuly 30, 2021

This community was created to help give local DMV area players and content creators a home to grow and build with. I noticed we always see the same things on social media get promoted in our area and Its singers, rappers, and people who play physical sports. I wanted to build a community where gamers in our area could chase their dreams and meet other players who had that same ambition to game as much as we do. This discord isn’t only for people who have an interest in twitch but its for people who are interested in gaming period, people who need players to play with and new people to meet to expand their gaming experience. Our community that we have so far are a bunch of people (100+) who never met each other in their lives but support every single one in the discord. We help accomplish goals together, provide growth areas and help you network with other big known community people within the gaming atmosphere.

Q&A for Website Write Up for Gamers:

How did you gain a love for playing video games?

Gaming was introduced to me a very young age; my father was a heavy gamer in which my first gaming system I encountered would have been a Sega genesis. This kicked off my love for gaming, the overall enjoyment and laughter I would get spending time with my dad felt priceless.

What was the first game you ever played Where and when did you play it?

It’s very hard to say what was the first game I’ve ever played but I remember being under the age of 7 years old playing countless hours of Sonic, on my dad’s Sega genesis.

 Some people say that video games are a waste of time. Do you agree or disagree?

I personally don’t see gaming as a waste of time, gaming has kept me out of a lot of trouble in certain aspects of life. In addition to that I love to use gaming as a escape way for stress and It also allows me to build connections with friends outside having to see them in person.

What is your favorite all-time game? Why was it great?

Hard to express what would be my favorite game, but I would say it could be MW2. If you’re a true gamer and had the chance to experience that game back in our ps3, Xbox 360 days; we both know you had the time of your life. Talk about toxic but fun, I’ve made friends over the game that turned into lifetime friends just by playing that game.

What type of games are good for playing alone? Which are good for playing with other people?

I would say games that are more so for loner would be role playing based games, exploring, creating and things as those such. I would like to think that heavy oriented multiplayer games seem the better route to go for playing with other players.

Does video games help develop skills? What mental or physical skills do they help players to develop?

I’m a call of duty: Warzone player, I can tell you personally just from my gaming experience. Gaming as much as I do helps you build not only communication skills but hand I coordination and many more crazy things you would think your learning. Games today make you think outside the box while making certain plays or even solving or playing certain missions. Gaming can be a lot more mental than the standard person would think.

These days, some gamers make a living from playing video games. Do you think professional gamers are similar to the athletes in other sports? Why or why not?

I would say yes, as you can see ESports is making a huge growth within the sports community. S.O to XCommunity leading HBCU ESports community. Gaming at the degree of an ESports player takes many hours of not only training but mental work and more. Gaming at that type of intensity is more than just sitting at a screen for some, it can mean long hours of dedicating to your craft and mastering the game you are competing in.

Would you give up video games for life and receive $500,000 in cash, or would you refuse the money

Sadly, I could not. Gaming has been a part of me so long I wouldn’t know what to do without it in my life. Gaming has been a huge help and get away for me and I’ve met some great people out of it.

We noticed that would have been unite a community of gamers through Twitch & Discord, why do want to make more awareness to that community?

I want to make more awareness to this because we all know about the DMV area and what it is known for. Its only a select you.. You’re a baller, football player, a rap/singing artist. For true gamers and people who want to pursue a Twitch career or YouTube career in gaming we’ve never had a platform here to really push the envelope. Gaming or Esports in general gets no real notice in our area and I wanted to be the one to change this, I wanted to not only build my own portfolio for gaming but encourage and give others that support they need to get their confidence to do this also. Gamers of the DMV area you are not alone, we’ve all had the same dreams of being a professional gamer or gaming entertainer & by coming to our discord community we can help you!

How did you start streaming games via Twitch?

I’ve always known about twitch, and wanted to give it a try but I never really had the funds or money to put into a streaming set up. As I got older, I noticed it was never about what I had but it was about just getting on there and trying and entertaining. I’ve seen people on twitch with the most basic set up and thousands of followers.



Written By
Tae Sweizy

Father. Chairman of The DMV Daily & DMVD Networks - www.DMVDN.com