Community Story of the Week

Community leader changes his life for better to create more opportunities for youth in Baltimore City

Community leader changes his life for better to create more opportunities for youth in Baltimore City
  • PublishedApril 12, 2021

When you are growing up in a rough environment, sometimes it is hard to find the motivation to succeed or impact many lives the way you have always imagined. Meet Brandon Johnson, a born and raised Baltimore native who has not only changed his life for the better but begun to create more opportunities for the youth in Baltimore City. Johnson has a mission to impact the city’s youth by providing mentoring services for young men and women. His overall goal is to uplift and change the stigma of Baltimore by helping teens achieve the goals they believe are unimaginable.

Johnson’s upbringing in Baltimore has helped him become a relatable figure to the community. We can definitely say he is one of Baltimore’s most influential men. Not growing up with a silver spoon, Johnson was forced to grow up quicker than the average teenager. One of the main challenges that he uses for his motivation is becoming a parent at the age of 17. This specific moment is what fueled Brandon’s drive and determination to create a better life for his family. Immediately he adapted a hustler’s mentality and applied his street smart skills into a profitable career that utilizes both his networking abilities and great social skills.


“Having a son being so young is what turned me into a man fast. It forced me to hustle like I never did before because I was no longer living for just me,” said Johnson.


Starting off his career as an event/nightlife promoter, Brandon’s vibrant energy and natural ability to manage helped him easily bring people together to facilitate successful events along the East Coast. Through these events, he was able to meet and network with many people along the way. As he elevated his career and strive for professional advancement, Brandon reached out to the Baltimore City School System, this is where he began providing direct mentoring services for the youth. These teens were able to learn about financial literacy, athletics, the importance of brotherhood, and gain a new outlook on traveling by attending field trips. After 10 years of providing mentorship to the youth, Brandon was able to gain love, trust, and respect from his local community.

In 2019, Brandon experienced a tragedy that changed his life forever, losing his son to gun violence. During the time, this forced him to take a step back from work and reflect on what are the needs of his community. Upon his reflection, he traveled to explore more options on how he could bring awareness and more positivity to the Baltimore community.


“I needed time to see life from another point of view. I realized that the only way I can help improve the lives of the youth is to bring experiences that they always imagined. It’s hard to believe something is possible if you never witness it.”, Brandon said.

With a strong belief in his plans to succeed, Brandon realized that he needs help so he ended up establishing multiple partnerships with several rising influencers. The first partnership was with Hollie Booker. This was a successful turning point for Brandon because it was the initial step to see that his vision was worth it. He helped Hollie find herself after being in a dark space. After working together, Hollie found her purpose which led to her current successes. She recently started her own business, built a relationship with God, and got a brand new apartment and car. Since they came together Hollie went on to start her program “BRebuilt”.  Hollie was a pivotal person to Brandon’s journey. Seeing how powerful they could be together allowed him to find other young motivated and interested people to help.


“I knew that if Hollie and I could be so great, then it was possible to find others that would need me to swell,” Brandon says.

Another partnership he secured was with local entrepreneur, Karahn Alston, who specializes in business development and has experience in community outreach. Within a course of a year, Brandon has provided Karahn with knowledge and tools to help evolve his skill sets. Karahn is now an essential member in helping Brandon carry out his plans to better Baltimore. Now that Karahn helped continue the positive energy for Brandon it led him to find another special counselor.


“I knew Karahn was the piece that I was always missing. He has a contagious energy that people love. I knew with the proper guidance he would be the perfect fit to pass the torch to that will empower the city.” 


The last partnership, he secured was with Taylor Hill, the youngest of the 3 with the most potential since she gets to learn from so many great people. Brandon connects with Taylor heavily, believing her journey can inspire so many young girls. Taylor has great confidence, a bright personality and she is very understanding. All of which are great qualities that will help empower females at any age. Brandon strongly believes Taylor can go on to start her own endeavors similar to Hollie so they are working towards changing the lives “one by one”.  As Brandon meets powerful young people who share his vision of helping others he pours in completely. “ I want to create a pendulum effect of everyone helping others”.

All three individuals have something special about them that Brandon saw. Brandon Johnson is a prime example that any goal, dream, or aspiration is attainable through dedication and hard work. His actions have repeatedly triumphed his mistakes which is a clear representation that perseverance and resilience have always kept him going. Baltimore is a city full of potential. It is home to many hard-working, ambitious, strong-minded individuals. With the proper people placed in leadership roles, things can change for the better.

Brandon is here to guide, inspire and educate today’s youth to be the overall best versions of themselves. He wants to use his journey of being in and out the streets, losing valuable people in his life, and having to struggle as ways to fuel positive energy into the next generation. Brandon is far from perfect but his heart is pure. He sees great things in others before they can see themselves. He is now officially passing the torch of greatness to his new partners to continue the path that he has started. His time for helping today’s kids is far from over. Stay tuned for so many great things that will come to life from this process.


Stay up to Brandon by following on Instagram at @mr_johnson2020. Be sure to also follow Hollie @b.rebuilt, Karahn @rahndadon, and Taylor @theycravee.taay.

Written By
Abu Sillah

Abu Sillah is Business Owner from Prince George's County, MD. He serves as the CEO of The DMV Daily and Marketing Manager of The Wig Cafe. Outside of business and media, Abu is a middle school teacher and Promotions Assistant for RadioOne DC. He has a B.A. in Sociology from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore and an M.A. from Bowie State University. Abu is very passionate about 3 things: media, working with kids and uplifting others,