DMV’s Beauty of the Week: De’Vonne Strawberry
Hey readers, meet this weeks Beauty of the Week De’Vonne, most people call her Day or Strawberry. She genuinely doesn’t remember where and how she got the name Strawberry, but
Hey readers, meet this weeks Beauty of the Week De’Vonne, most people call her Day or Strawberry. She genuinely doesn’t remember where and how she got the name Strawberry, but people have been calling her Strawberry since middle school. The name just always stuck. In a way, Strawberry has become almost like a personal brand. Being a young woman, she’s just trying to find her way in life just like everyone else. She wouldn’t classify herself as.a model or influencer, just someone who genuinely enjoys creating and putting out content. The content she likes to put out is hopes can inspire others, as much as it inspires her.
What’s something people should know about you?
I’m not as mean as I look in my pictures. I’m really a sweetheart.
What’s your favorite food(s)?
I could eat just a bowl of mashed potatoes all day like its cereal.
Random: Beyonce or Rihanna?
If you don’t choose Rihanna I’m concerned..
What’s your favorite color(s)?
If you had to choose a superpower, what superpower would you choose?
Not sure if it’s a superpower, but I would love to be able to turn my emotions off and on like a switch. Imagine not having to feel heartbreak , pain, or fear…
Which beauty product is a must-have before you leave the house?
Does chapstick count? Chapped lips scare me.
Who is your favorite person on social media?
@plies .. lol no explanation necessary.
What quality about yourself do you love the most?
My personality. Pleaseeee let me know when you find someone more funny or down-to-earth than me.
What is your favorite clothing brand?
The North Face, if you couldn’t already tell from my instagram. Sponsorship coming soon, mark my words.
How do you like to spend your free time?
I always say reading, but no one believes that I actually read books lmao. I do though, all the time. I’m always learning, always trying new things, whatever makes me feel happy at the moment.
What does a typical day in your week look like?
A typical day in my life is not always exciting or fun. I’m a regular person, I work just like everyone else. But when I’m not working I’m doing everything I can to get closer to my dreams and achieve all of my goals.
If your personality was a flavor, what flavor would it be?
Blue Raspberry. If you know, you know.
Any Shoutouts?
I really just appreciate anyone who supports me and shows me love, whether you know me personally or not. I appreciate it more than you know.