
DMV’s Beauty of the Week: Imaan Styles

DMV’s Beauty of the Week: Imaan Styles

Get To Know Imaan Styles Many people know me as Imaan; however, my first name is actually Saliyah. I grew up in Virginia and I currently work as a model

  • PublishedJanuary 7, 2022

Get To Know Imaan Styles

Many people know me as Imaan; however, my first name is actually Saliyah. I grew up in Virginia and I currently work as a model and a salesclerk at The Antidote in DC. When I am not working you can find me working on my fashion show I will be putting on at the end of the year.

Twitter: @imaanstyless
Instagram: @imaanstyles 

The DMV Daily – What’s something people should know about you? 

One thing people should know about me is that whatever I set out to do will be achieved.

The DMV Daily – What’s your favorite food(s)? 

 Even though I am a model, eating is my favorite thing to do and I love mac & cheese (cooked the right way).

The DMV Daily – Random: Beyonce or Rihanna?

 If I had to choose between Beyonce or Rihanna, I would have to choose Beyonce, only because I am the Beyonce of my family.

The DMV Daily – What’s your favorite color(s)? 

 My favorite color is yellow but sometimes pink even though it’s a little overplayed.

The DMV Daily – If you had to choose a superpower, what superpower would you choose?

If I had a superpower I would definitely have the power to teleport because VA traffic is always horrible.

The DMV Daily – Which beauty product is a must-have before you leave the house?

Before I leave the house I always need to have on my D&G Light Blue perfume or else I am not myself.

The DMV Daily – Who is your favorite person on social media?

My favorite person on social media is Kimberly Douglas or @kihmberlie on instagram, she makes these creative sets, photographs herself, and all of the shoots are top tier!

The DMV Daily – East Coast or West Coast?

 I know that I live on the East Coast but the West Coast is the best coast ONLY because it stays hot over there.

The DMV Daily – If you can meet any music artist of all time, who would it be?

If I could meet any music artist of all time it would have to be Ari Lennox because I feel like she is so personable and chill and we could duet Chocolate Pomegranate any time she wants.

The DMV Daily – Propose a question to next week’s BOTW.

My question to the next Beauty of the Week is, if you could do something to make a difference in the world, what would it be?

The DMV Daily – What is your favorite clothing brand?

My favorite clothing brand has got to be FashionNova, I shop with them majority of the time because they know how to make my butt look good.

The DMV Daily – How do you like to spend your free time?

I like to spend my free time learning new skills, I am a jack of all trades because of it.

The DMV Daily – What does a typical day in your week look like?

A typical day in my life looks like me going to work at The Antidote then getting off and either heading off to a shoot or having meetings about my upcoming show.

The DMV Daily – If your personality was a flavor, what flavor would it be?

If my personality was a flavor it would have to be strawberry cheesecake flavored with extra graham crackers.

The DMV Daily – Any Shoutouts?

I would just like to shoutout my support system because I would be anywhere without them! Thank you for this opportunity!

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Casting is now open for our new show, “Would You Swipe Right?” It will Air on Our New Streaming Service, DMVD Networks.  Casting is open to anyone over 21+ and DMV based!