Business Entrepreneur of the Month Tips

Looking To Restore Your Credit? Check EPS Enterprises For Total Credit Reparation

Looking To Restore Your Credit? Check EPS Enterprises For Total Credit Reparation
  • PublishedFebruary 27, 2022
The COVID-19 Pandemic placed many people across the world in a financial constraint but it also inspired many individuals to start their own businesses. Not just any type of business, but business providing skills and knowledge to others. DC Native Arturo Evans is one of those individuals who took advantage of this opportunity.
Evans has been operating his credit repair business, EPS Enterprises (Evans People and Services),  for over a year now.  He attended the University of Nevada Las Vegas where he earned his bachelor’s Degree in Hotel Management in 2018. A year later he enrolled in an accelerated business class sponsored by Howard University, receiving certifications and a business license.
“My current goal is to help as many people as possible. Regardless of how much money you make, criminal history, education level, everyone should be educated on credit and the importance of credit. An 800 credit score is more powerful than $100k cash. I just want to be a vessel to show others how to build their credit score and do whatever they like such as purchase a new car, new home, new business, and even more capital.” said Evans.

Q: How did you come up with the name of your company?

Arturo Evans: The name of my company was derived from my last name. I believed in trying to leave something for my family. The name is also a part of the bigger picture for my business as I also do other streams of income that benefit everyday consumers (Airbnb, vending machines, rental cars, etc)

Q: What inspired you to become someone who wants to help others?

Arturo Evans: Growing up seeing my parents still be able to help others in need when we ourselves weren’t the wealthiest always stayed in the back of my mind. I genuinely enjoy helping others.

Q: What made you get into helping others with their finances?

Arturo Evans: COVID did lol. In 2020-2021, this wave of “wanting to be your own boss ” and “an entrepreneur” became very trendy. Especially when everyone was at the height of quarantine. So I figured out how I can help others and make an impact. I did my research and educated myself and realized the foundation of everything is building credit.

Q: What type of products/services does EPS Enterprises offer?

Arturo Evans: Credit repair, Business funding, Tradelines (authorized users), and business consultations. I also created an Ebook that gives you step-by-step instructions on how to fix credit yourself. That way you don’t even have to pay for credit repair, I’m literally giving my step by step on how to do it in the book. 

Q: How do you help clients decide which plans are best for them?

Arturo Evans: For every client who books with me, I do a FREE IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS of their current credit profile so we can see what’s on their profile and how we can improve it. So starting with me is completely free, is like a free credit class when starting. No obligation.

Q: Can you speak on the importance of having good credit?

Arturo Evans: Credit is literally everything. Credit determines where you live, what you drive, and even some jobs are requiring decent credit to even apply. Credit is important because you can leverage it into many different sources for yourself. Banks respect you more with a high credit score rather than a bunch of cash.

Q: What are the benefits of having a business obtain funding?

Arturo Evans: Great question! This is something people need to familiarize themselves with! Building business credit, you are able to obtain over $100K in funding, THAT IS NOT IN YOUR NAME!  Imagine someone on the street walking up to you and saying “Here’s 100K to go start a business, just pay me back with no interest in 12 months” this is what business credit is. Unsecured money in your business name. So building business credit is key!

Q: Advice and tips for people looking into doing what you do?

Arturo Evans: Anybody looking to do what I do, make sure you educated yourself and you don’t get into this business for the money. I always think of how I can make an impact while making income. I’ve gone months with no clients and was paying more to operate my business. So don’t be discouraged and be pure when helping people. Also, network with others and don’t believe this internet sh*t
EPS Enterprises has helped many people get restore their credit and believe everyone deserves a chance at having a better and more luxurious life. By training and educating people with the best recommendation including credit boost, EPS Enterprises ensures their clients that their dream life is not too far away as they believe.
If you are ready to get started, book your free consultation.   Visit their office located at 4301 50th St NW Suite 300, Washington, DC 20016. Evans e-book DIY Credit Repair Kit is available for purchase on EPS  Enterprises website.
Written By
Abu Sillah

Abu Sillah is Business Owner from Prince George's County, MD. He serves as the CEO of The DMV Daily and Marketing Manager of The Wig Cafe. Outside of business and media, Abu is a middle school teacher and Promotions Assistant for RadioOne DC. He has a B.A. in Sociology from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore and an M.A. from Bowie State University. Abu is very passionate about 3 things: media, working with kids and uplifting others,