Interviews Music

The DMV Daily Interviews: DMV Global

The DMV Daily Interviews: DMV Global
  • PublishedApril 18, 2018

LivengoodLivin & TheDMVDaily Loves DMV Global

All social medias? 

– Twitter: @GlobalDMV

– YouTube: DMV Global

– Website: www.dmvglbl.com

What’s the brand about? 

– Our brand, DMV Global is about the success and betterment of the talent that is scattered out in the world today.

Who founded it and who runs it? 

– DMV Global was founded by Makonnen and his former partner, Kevin. It is ran by Makonnen, Keith, Trent, and Danny.

What’s the origin of the brand? 

– The origin of DMV Global was at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, in the summer of 2015. We started off solely on Youtube, then branched off to twitter and developing our own website. (Made by Keith)

Biggest artists y’all work with? 

– The Biggest artists that we have worked with are Big Flock, Rico Nasty, Bali Baby, HBTheEngineer, Goonew, CordaeDream artists to watch to with?

– If I get a Kanye West collaboration one day, I might just pass out upon hearing the news.

Define the DMV 

– DMV is a place where dreams can honestly come true. There is such a variety of talent and opportunity in this area, that it is truly amazing. I remember growing up, people used to leave and go to places like California, New York, Atlanta, etc. in order to chase and fulfill their dreams. Now you can find all of those different regions right next door to you. This area is a powerhouse now.

Define the music industry 

– working in the Music industry in my personal opinion can be like owning a pitpull. If you raise a pitbull in a good environment and the right way, the results can be the kindest charismatic dog. But if you raise a pitbull in the wrong environment and in a hostile manner or make too many careless, reckless moves, you will have the result of a beast on your hands. So my advice for anybody dealing with the music industry is to cross your T’s and dot your I’s. The results and lifestyle that you will have will be awesome, but if you get taken advantage of in the midst, you can end up in unfortunate situations like Lil Wayne. And as far as the actual music coming from the music industry and todays sound, I love it. It’s such a variety of sounds to choose from, that it still amazes me. Like I still haven’t decided what album or playlist that I will be listening to on my way home from work yet, lol.

Anyways to improve DMV media culture? 

–          We just have to grind and never stop working. Not too much more to say on that.

Dream collaborations? 

–  I would love to have a Gucci collaboration

Long term brand goals? 

– long term brand goals would be to be at a point where I can help any and every artist in the world. I’m talking from third world countries, to the elite countries. Everywhere.

Any shout outs? 

– Shout out to the team, Trent, Danny, Keith, Brooke, Maya, John, Josh, Marcus, Jessica, Destinee, and Sharese. Without ya’ll, nothing would be possible. Hell, without Trent, Keith, John, and Danny, the brand wouldn’t have even reached the milestones that we’ve reached today. Shoutout to our sister company, “We The People” for giving the people a voice, and to LetMeMedoraYou for the iciest jewelry in the game. And I can never forget, shoutout to Tobi, Albert, and Kevin. Their influence, words and ideas were a part of the foundation to this company.

We appreciate you too John and everybody at TheDMVDaily for the love and support that your team shows!

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Written By
The DMV Daily Staff

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