Interviews Motivation

Vicki Joyner, Oya Transformation Inspiration and Encouragement for a New Day

Vicki Joyner, Oya Transformation Inspiration and Encouragement for a New Day
  • PublishedNovember 27, 2020

Vicki Joyner

Oya Transformation Inspiration and Encouragement for a New Day
Instagram: @Peacitude
Vicki L. Joyner is a phenomenal woman. She was Howard County’s first African American female firefighter. She is a veteran. She graduated from Coppin State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Over 15 years of service as a Youth Supervisor with troubled children for the State of Maryland. When she’s not helping the youth, she is also involved as a Real Estate agent, Reiki Practitioner, and poet.  She has been sober for 25 plus years and is now a student at the National Spiritual Science Center in Washington for the past three years.
The book is one of poetry; the channel of a similar name is a daily gift to attest to the resilience of the human spirit as seen thru oracle reading.
Tell us about your recent release:
After the death of my mother from a long illness I found myself grappling to re-frame my purpose and find meaning in my life. Writing has always been cathartic for me, so I picked up pen and paper in search of substance. There were so many fragments to contend with and my heart was broken. I needed to be my best friend, counselor, pastor, and lover. I needed to hold space to put Humpty back together again.
Who/What inspired you to get into writing?
I have been inspired by the writings of Dr. Haki  Madhubuti, Nikki Giovanni, Great Mother Maya and many others.
We know it’s always a creative process with being an author, could you tell the people what’s your process like as a creator?
Though out the day I prayed and cried and found a line to hold on to, usually my title from a random thought after my daily meditation. Between the hours of 12-2am when the world is most quiet my mind comes to life, I write.
Off-Topic: Think of a time you had to overcome adversity, tell us about it.
What have I not had to overcome? Some demons awakened by my own invitation. My middle name is “and get over it”. As a child and the oldest of 3 we moved 7 times before the age of 8. I had to fight ;children can be cruel. I found comfort in drugs and alcohol. After 22 years of the progression of that disease I had to come to grips with my addiction, the lost of my Mother and my Baby Sister whom I adored. In the work world I found myself in a battle with systematic racism for 18 years as the first African American female firefighter in Howard County Maryland. Everywhere I have been I have had to fight. The ground seemed to be perpetually moving from under my feet. Astrologically I am Sagittarius sun with a Leo moon and a Taurus rising. This means I was built to broaden horizons, to shine, to laugh, and to all things gladly with ease in my time. My circumstances dictated I would have to fight for it all from the beginning.
How would you say Social Media has impacted your development?
Social media gave me a platform to share with the world my evolution, whether in alignment or not. My prayer is to help another seeker find ground.
What information would you love for readers to away after reading your collection of poems?
I would tell my readers your experiences do not define who you are. We are all fragmented no matter how together it looks from the outside. Judge only your today’s version of you with that of yesterday’s.
What is the best advice you’ve been given?
The best advise I have been given :is to always fall forward. Look for favor of Spirit in all you do. Remember “You are a child of the Universe no less than the trees and the stars, I have a right to be here”.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
If I could change anything about me, I would like to be less sensitive. Yet as one of my favorite poems reminds me “if I am not willing to cry all my tears and laugh without abandon, I have not truly lived” paraphrased. My experiences have been a bridge to the rock where I stand. I think I will keep them.
Dope! So, what’s next for you?
Next for me, I would like to try my hand at children’s stories.
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Written By
The DMV Daily Staff

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