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College Football Hall of Fame in Atlanta Destroyed by Protesters

College Football Hall of Fame in Atlanta Destroyed by Protesters
  • PublishedMay 30, 2020

The murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police has led to protests that have cause the vandalization (or looting) of many local businesses around the United States. One state that has participating in looting is Atlanta, Georgia who have been in an uproar protesting Floyd’s murder. Among the business buildings destroyed in the protests was the College Football Hall of Fame building.

According to Eric Stirgus of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the building was destroyed by protesters who threw trash cans in the building and people ran in the building and stole items from the building.

The College Football Hall of Fame building opened in 2014. It cost $68 million to model the 94,256 square foot building and according to a report on March 18th, the building contained $41 million in net assets.


Here’s a statement made by the CEO of the College Football Hall of Fame Kimberly Beaudin,

First and foremost, our hearts go out to the friends and family of George Floyd. We support the peaceful protests that honor his memory but unfortunately, they deteriorated into chaos and disorder.  We are heartbroken to see the  damage to our city and the Hall of Fame. As our Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said… We are better than this, better than this as a city, and better than this as a country. In the coming days and weeks, we’ll work to pick up the pieces, to build back the sacred walls that housed memories and honored those who played the game many of whom fought these same injustices throughout their storied careers.”

Atlanta mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said in a press conference,

What I see happening on the streets of Atlanta is not Atlanta. This is not a protest. This is not in the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr. This is chaos. A protest has purpose. When Dr. King was assassinated, we didn’t do this to our city. If you want change in America, go and register to vote. … That is the change we need in this country.”

Written By
Jarrett Hoffman

Spring '19 graduate of Bowie State University with a B.S. in Broadcast Journalism @LilShortCuz on Instagram and Twitter