Fashion Interviews

The DMV Daily Interviews: Shades Of Huee

The DMV Daily Interviews: Shades Of Huee
  • PublishedApril 10, 2018

What are three things about you personally that we should know?

I had 3 business by the age of 13. I use to crochet and I sold handmade hats and scarfs, I started my own traveling nail salon ( I would do kids parties doing their manicure and pedicures), and I also did hair.I’m Team Aquarius enjoy motivating others.

What spark the idea to create an accessory line and why the name ShadesofHuee?

I’ve always told myself that I wanted to own more than one business and an accessory line was one of them. I love staying on top of  designer trends and finding affordable dupes for everybody. I chose the name Shades Of Huee because I would be offering shades and accessories that will be different from each other in its own unique way (whether color, shape or size). I chose the word Hue to represent that and just added an extra E for creativity

What sets your brand apart from other companies?

Connection with customers separates Shades of Huee from other companies. All of my customers whether from Washington state or here in Washington DC have all received great connection with me or one of the Shades of Huee team members. I take great pride in that. That is how you build loyalty.

Were there any setbacks before launching that made you want to give up?

Yes starting a business and launching it is a lot in itself, especially as a college student. Balancing school work and work for your business is stressful. The pressure of getting things together and perfecting it will make you want to give up. What stopped me from actually giving up is the vision that I have for the brand. Every time I said “okay Idc no more” I thought about what made me want to start the company in the first place.

 What is your biggest accomplishment thus far within the company?

My biggest accomplishment would have to be keeping the business up and running while in college along with the fact that people from all over the states shop with us and the fact that people hear about the brand and like what we offer is a great accomplishment for the brand. That means that as a brand we supply what they demand.


What keeps you motivated to continue the business knowing there is a lot of competition in building your own business and entrepreneur.

What keeps me motivated is that I know that where I am today I can be further tomorrow. My brand is Shades of Huee and their brand is THEIR brand. We are two different brands. What they offer, customers may like and may not like what I offer and what I offer, customers may like and may not like what they offer. So as far as competition I don’t see none because there is so much money in the world that we all can win.

What is your definition of a “Girl Boss”?

A Girl Boss is someone who makes her own money working for herself. She runs her businesses like clockwork getting work that needs to be done, done. She doesn’t let the typical stereotypes of what a girl should be doing in the workforce dictate her occupation. She is the head honcho.

What other business ventures are you doing currently that makes you a girl boss?

I also own a company Called Luxe by Chichi which is a beauty service company offering mink lash extensions, makeup applications along with lash classes to certify you as a lash tech and makeup classes.

Did you ever think the business of shadesofhuee would be this successful?

No, I honestly didn’t know how people would take to my business. I was very scared that there would be no sales. After a couple months in I grew a lot of confidence in my company and I know it can be even more successful than what it is today.

What is the bestselling product so far? And what is your favorite product personally?

Icy Oversized Square frames sold like hotcakes and I have to restock because soo many people are inquiring about them and when they will be back. Personally, I love the skyline frames. They are perfect for the spring and summer. I also love our glitters we have some spring colors coming out soon so stay tuned for that.

One piece of advice for young entrepreneurs who want to start their own brand or line of business?

Figure out what you want to do and have tunnel vision. Don’t look at your neighbors and your “competitors” keep your eyes on you and your vision for your brand. The moment you start looking at others the moment you will start comparing and slowly seeing your business turning into something that you didn’t originally want it to be.

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The DMV Daily Staff

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