Fashion Interviews

The DMV Daily Interviews: Healthy Addictions

The DMV Daily Interviews: Healthy Addictions
  • PublishedJuly 5, 2018

LivengoodLivin Lives With A Healthy Addiction!

Five random things about you?

I love chocolate. The candy and the man. Hello?
I am a performing and visual artist. I can do it all, but I don’t show it all.
I am a tomboy, but will show a good leg if need be. I proudly do both. Lol.
I do yoga in my spare time. I will be an instructor one day so look out for me.
I am the youngest of 6. So I know how to get my way.

Five words that describe you?

I am funny, driven, creative, reserved, and a giver.

What inspired your business?

I was tired of quitting and getting new jobs every 6 months. I don’t like answering to people, because it always seemed like they put the worst person to be in charge. I’m way too creative and headstrong to be under somebody else’s authority. I grew up in the salon, so it was an easy transition for me. I’ve been doing hair since I was 8. I’ve made plenty of money off my classmates, family, and friends before graduating.

What is hair to you?

Hair is my safe place & one of my canvases. It’s my opportunity to create something beautiful, and when it’s properly done, it gives my clients an extra boost of confidence. It’s no greater feeling to make someone’s day when I turn them to the mirror.

What does beauty mean to you?

Beauty means purity, strength, confidence, and sincerity. Being openly true to yourself and towards others is beautiful to me. Not everybody can do that. It is unfortunately rare.

What are some challenges you have been through being a woman entrepreneur?

Being an entrepreneur is basically like being a parent. You always think/worry about it 24/7, there’s no off switch. You will definitely learn about yourself, especially being this young. I started my business when I was 21. It’s not a one size fits all, so you really have to figure out what’s best for you. It’s definitely teaching me to be patient with myself and to celebrate myself more instead of always being harsh and critical. I’ve accomplished a lot for someone my age, but I don’t really see it, because it’s me. You don’t notice these kinds of things right off the back like you would watching someone else. Ultimately, I’m learning to be my biggest fan and stop being my biggest hater. It stunts the growth that I need to be the greatest.

What are some daily routines for you?

Honestly… hitting that snooze button about 5 times. Mornings are rough for me. I am not a morning person. I have a fresh attitude every morning unless there’s a hot meal ready for me when I wake up. Lol. I don’t have a strict routine like the successful millionaires and billionaires . I am working on it, because… issa hot mess.

You like to travel! Where have you been?

Oh absolutely. I have been up and down the east coast for clients and vacations. I finally went to LA for the first time during the BET weekend. I’ve only been out of the country once and that was to go to DR. I loved it! I do plan to travel more this year.

Name ten places you want to travel to?

Sierra Leone
Bora Bora

Advice for rookies looking to open a business?

Make sure it’s a business you would LOVE to be in, not what someone else thinks you should be in. When you’re in love, it is 100x easier to deal with the cons. Do not let your family and friends guilt you in to giving freebies. Charge what you charge, because the rent is due. Ok? Also, always educate yourself and perfect your craft. There is no limit on what you can learn that can take you in to the next income bracket! Have fun, enjoy yourself!

Any shout outs?

I’d like to thank God for all the gifts and blessings He has given me, including my business, sense of humor, and these great legs. Amen?

Spell you name out with a word 


Any final thoughts?

I want everyone to be nicer to themselves and become their own bestfriend first before loving anyone else. Speak life in to your own body. Forgive yourself. We all mess up. Real love and peace starts within you. ❤️

What are your social medias and website?

My personal Instagram is HealthyAddictions & my business is HealthyAddictionsHairStudio. My current booking site is http://www.healthyaddictions.as.me

Written By
The DMV Daily Staff

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