Fashion Interviews

The DMV Daily Interviews: Les

The DMV Daily Interviews: Les
  • PublishedMarch 10, 2018

Get To Know DC Fashion Designer Les

What did your first design look like?

A: The first design I put out was off some “F the Police” type stuff. That was just me being a passionate creative and going off impulse. I still mighht release it.


What is the origin of Say Less and what does it mean to you?

A: The origin of Say Less Brand comes from my personality. I’ve always been quiet my whole life but my mind is always working. I’m always thinking about my next move, plotting on my future. It also comes from life experiences. It just minimizes expectations. I get tired of people telling me they’re  going to do something and then next time I see them they have excuses and what not. Say Less just means don’t tell people about your moves, plans, expectations, or nothing ; just do your thing and let your work do the talking.


What are your favorite quotes?

A: “You will get as far as the people you talk to for no reason”. You will be as successful as the people you talk to for no reason. What that mean is. If you’re spending your day talking to a person that has nothing going on what type of information can he offer you? Can he teach you something in the conversation? ” – 50 Cent.

After I heard that I started budgeting my conversation.

Is operating your brand a full time job if so how long has it been that way?

A: Always, since day 1. I  don’t believe in part-time jobs you get part-time results like that. I need full return on my investments.

Tell me about your clothing brand Very Well Quoted and how was it started?

A: “Very” Well Quoted is so genius. The only thing that makes a regular sentence a quote is the person who said it and the impact on the people who understood it. I understand that wholeheartedly. Certain things you hear and feel just resonate instantly. That’s how I am with quotes, sayings, innuendos, stuff like that. I live for those. As far as the clothing line, I was just broke and creative as hell at the time and didn’t know my next move. Fresh from college. This was like 2015. I’ve always been an entrepreneur/businessman at heart so I understand how to create and market a product to cater to a demographic. Believe it or not, I had my own shirts for sell at my 11th birthday party I can’t make it up. Thats a whole other story though.

How do you market your clothing line?

A:The people market it for me.

(from left to right) Les, Dell Fargo, Ankhlejohn, Kellz Castro)

Who are your biggest supporters? 

A: Support comes in alot different forms. My team honestly. ANKHLEJOHN, B-JAY BANKS, DELL FARGO, SHAD SPITS, DAMMITMITCH, NAELESS, DA FOOLZ, SHAAP RECORDS. Everybody who ever copped a SAY LESS tee or hoodie, anybody who tweeted, liked a photo, reposted, man I appreciate it all. Turk from the Hot Boyz showed love, Anthony Lanier of the Washington Redskins, Lightshow. Support just be coming out of nowhere. We get a lot of love here in DC too. MD show love, VA show love, NC A&T show love, UNC-Wilmington student body show alot of love they like family, my folks out Indiana show love, west coast Cali and Colorado show love, overseas in Germany. I’m blessed. All praise be to Allah.

What are your thoughts on Supreme, Off White, Jordan, Needles and Palace:

A: All of those brands are classic. Highly inspirational. Peace to Virgil.

You graduated from college with a degree in Communications,  what applicable skills did you learn from your college classes?

A: Nah I didn’t graduate, I wish I did though. Moms jih like beefing me up about that. I didn’t learn nothing from my college’s classes except for this one class. I forgot the name of it but I learned about financial literacy, how to do taxes, how to create a budget, learned real life things that I use today. I also took a photography class that taught me endless stuff about Depth & Field. Peace to Vena E (@yesim she was in that class with me.  College classes are really BS your first two years then they throw you in the deep end. I only did 2 years of college. Guess it wasn’t in God’s Plan.

What things do you do to invest in yourself and grow your brand?

A: I just try to stay ahead of the curb and support other people that is how I grow my brand depends on how I grow as a person. So I try to learn something new everyday so I can get inspired and grow with my brand. I am in no way, shape, or form perfect. I’m figuring this out as I go along. There isn’t nobody coaching me or nothing. I learn everything from books and Youtube.

Do you believe in the law of attraction?

A: Absolutely. Law of attraction is too real.

The worst fashion trends of ,2017?

A: I wouldn’t call it a trend, but Non-cuffed jeans will be the worst thing ever I don’t care what year it is.

If you had $25,000 card for a online shopping spree what would you buy?

A: Versace baby clothes for my daughter.

How can people support your brand?

– VERYWELLQUOTED.COM is the official merch site, @SAYLESSKING on Insta and Twitter. Tell a friend about a young black man from DC with some dope things going on ya dig.

You can follow Les on Twitter at (@SAYLESSKING)

Written By
The DMV Daily Staff

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