
Former President Jimmy Carter admitted to Atlanta hospital

Former President Jimmy Carter admitted to Atlanta hospital

Monday evening, Former President Jimmy Carte was admitted to an Atlanta hospital. The former president is scheduled to go through a procedure to relieve pressure on his brain, which was

  • PublishedNovember 12, 2019

Monday evening, Former President Jimmy Carte was admitted to an Atlanta hospital.

The former president is scheduled to go through a procedure to relieve pressure on his brain, which was caused from his recent fall last Tuesday at Emory University Hospital.

Throughout the year, President Carter has suffered from a total of three falls. He first felled back in the spring which required hip replacement surgery. In October, Carter felled again resulting in 14 stitches and despite his injury he traveled the following day to Nashville, TN to rally volunteers and help build a Habitat for Humanity home.

President Carter and his wife just recently became the longest-married presidential couple, surpassing George and Barbara Bush, with more than 73 years of marriage. Back in 2015, the former president also survived a dire cancer diagnosis.

Despite his age and approximately 40 years after his presidency, Carter still teaches Sunday school twice a month at Maranatha Baptist Church in southwest Georgia.

Carter’s pastor, Rev. Tony Lowden, stated that the president was hospitalized on Monday after having what he called a “bad day”.


“We just need the whole country to be in prayer for him,” Lowden said in a telephone interview.


The former president is currently resting comfortably with his wife, Rosalynn.

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