College News

Morehouse Professor Holds Daughter For Student Who Couldn’t Find A BabySitter

Morehouse Professor Holds Daughter For Student Who Couldn’t Find A BabySitter
  • PublishedMarch 4, 2019

It Takes A Village To Raise A Child

Morehouse College

Morehouse College is known as a private male historically black college and university. The college made headlines this past week after 26-year-old student Wayne Hayer’s professor Nathan Alexander held his daughter during class.

It Takes A Village

Hayer who is married, couldn’t find a babysitter in time before his class. His wife Firda had errands to run and he didn’t want to miss his Algebra class mid-term review. The senior kinesiology major opted to bring his 5-month-year-old daughter Assata along.

Hayer’s first class got canceled. He used the time to do homework in the student lounge. Going to his algebra class, he expressed he felt nervous bringing a child. He told CNN more about it.

“I was nervous to go to class. Morehouse is an all-male college and seeing me with a baby strapped to me would make all eyes be on me.” – Wayne Hayer

Alexander also spoke to CNN and had this to say about helping his student.

“Part of my role and goal as educator is to provide opportunities for students. We work to build a community in class.


He works two jobs, is a full time student, is involved in leadership programs at school and is a parent. This photo serves as a reminder of what parents have to do every day and how important it is to have affordable childcare.


She was really behaved and even started to fall asleep at the end. We had a bottle ready on standby, if needed. We enjoyed having her energy in class.” – Nathan Alexander 

It just goes to show that people are here to help. Never be scared to ask someone for assistance and don’t let anything come in the way of your dreams!


Students in the class did not let this good deed go unnoticed. They were quick to take pictures and post them on social media. Soon enough one tweet went viral and has over 73,730 retweets.





Written By
Ashton Horne

Ashton Horne is an upcoming writer who currently resides in Harford County. He currently interns for TheDMVDaily as a journalist.