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A former Baltimore police officer has been convicted of corruption



A former Baltimore cop was convicted guilty of many federal crimes, including delivering a gun that he knew was going to be planted on a suspect.

According to media reports, a federal jury convicted Robert Hankard on Monday of corruption and conspiracy charges, including allegations that he plotted with others to dump a BB pistol on a suspect who had been driven over by another officer and then lied about it to a grand jury.

Hankard was also found guilty of fabricating a search warrant application and an arrest record in another case when drugs were put on a suspect. The prosecution was a result of the renegade Gun Trace Task Force.

Hankard could face decades in prison. There is no set date for that sentence.

Ashton Horne is an upcoming writer who currently resides in Harford County. He currently interns for TheDMVDaily as a journalist.

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